
The First Nazi Concentration Camp

Adolf Hitler was named chancellor on the 30th of January 1933.  Just seven weeks later the first concentration camp in Germany was established.  This camp was a short distance outside of Munich beside the town of Dachau.  The first to be targeted were the political opponents:  Communists, Socialists, journalists and outspoken clergymen.  They where sent to Dachau for "re-education".  These first prisoners would soon be followed by round-ups of other groups - homosexuals, the homeless, Roma and Sinti people, so-called "asocials" and, in particular, Jews.

The Model Camp


Something that distinguished Dachau from the countless other camps that followed was that it was used as a model.  The SS would train men here that were then sent out to command a vast system of camps that stretched across Nazi occupied Europe.  The SS called it "The School of Terror".  At Dachau the SS created an environment where human beings could be subjected to torture, starvation, degradation, medical experiments, mass executions and death.

Our Tour


An unforgettable and educational tour led by an officially authorized expert guide. You will hear harrowing survivors stories of the brutality of daily life and death in the camp. A comprehensive and immersive experience that is not to be missed.

The Dachau Tour focuses on the personal stories of those individual people who experienced the camp while at times also “zooming out” to help you understand the wider history.

Your questions are very much welcomed throughout your visit to this difficult place.

Check out our sister website dedicated to this tour.